
New Year's Thanksgiving & Dedication Service 2025 (5/1)

Diocese of Hong Kong Island

As we enter 2025, let’s come together to worship and show our gratitude and commitment to the Lord. Bishop Matthias Der of the Hong Kong Island Diocese warmly invites everyone to join the New Year's Thanksgiving & Dedication Service (Evenson) in 2025. Bishop Matthias Der will lead the service, with choirs from St. John's Cathedral and St. Luke's Church singing. Before the service, there will be a tea gathering for everyone to chat and share with Bishop Matthias Der and the diocesan clergy.

5 January 2025

【2024 Grateful for Grace, 2025 United in Purpose】(in Cantonese only)

The Committee on Information and Communication

28 December 2024

Bishop’s Bible Study Series

Diocese of Hong Kong Island

Grand Finale Celebration Date:            19th December, Thursday Deadline for enrollment: 16th December, Monday Enrollment: In order to facilitate the arrangements, please enroll in advance. Please click the link below and submit the completed Google Form; or call up the Diocese Office for enrollment. ★ To recognize and reward the regular attendees at the Bible Study Series, those who have attended the meeting for four times or above this year will be given a souvenir at the last meeting

19 December 2024


Diocesan News

New Year's Thanksgiving & Dedication Service 2025 (5/1)

As we enter 2025, let’s come together to worship and show our gratitude and commitment to the Lord. Bishop Matthias Der of the Hong Kong Island Diocese warmly invites everyone to join the New Year's Thanksgiving & Dedication Service (Evenson) in 2025. Bishop Matthias Der will lead the service, with choirs from St. John's Cathedral and St. Luke's Church singing. Before the service, there will be a tea gathering for everyone to chat and share with Bishop Matthias Der and the diocesan clergy.


The 180th Anniversary of the Foundation of Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong cum the 25th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui - Thanksgiving Service and Dinner

This year marks the 180th Anniversary of the Foundation of Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong cum the 25th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. In thanksgiving for this occasion, the anniversary celebration organising committee has set ‘One family in Christ, our Rock’ as the theme of the year, and will be organising a Thanksgiving Service and Dinner on 23 October 2023. Guests from overseas, Mainland China, and Hong Kong have been invited, who will be joining us and our brothers and sisters from various parishes, schools, and social service units within the Province, to sing our praises to God and sharing in our friendship within Christ.


Ordination Service of Diaconate(21/9)

The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui request the honour of your presence at the Ordination Service on the Feast of Saint Matthew Thursday 21 September 2023 at 8 pm at the Cathedral Church of St John. The Most Revd Andrew Chan Archbishop and Primate ordains Mr Michael Yu-ho Chan to the Sacred Order of Diaconate and The Revd Adam Guan-wen Mo to the Sacred Order of Priesthood.


“Christianity and The Mapping of China: An Exhibition of Historic Maps from the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archives”

Exhibition of historic maps from 17th century to the establishment of the HKSKH Province together with historical photos and artefacts. Archbishop Andrew Chan will officiate at the Opening Ceremony



New Year's Thanksgiving & Dedication Service 2025 (5/1)

As we enter 2025, let’s come together to worship and show our gratitude and commitment to the Lord. Bishop Matthias Der of the Hong Kong Island Diocese warmly invites everyone to join the New Year's Thanksgiving & Dedication Service (Evenson) in 2025. Bishop Matthias Der will lead the service, with choirs from St. John's Cathedral and St. Luke's Church singing. Before the service, there will be a tea gathering for everyone to chat and share with Bishop Matthias Der and the diocesan clergy.



Bishop’s Bible Study Series

Grand Finale Celebration Date: 19th December, Thursday Deadline for enrollment: 16th December, Monday Enrollment: In order to facilitate the arrangements, please enroll in advance. Please click the link below and submit the completed Google Form; or call up the Diocese Office for enrollment. ★ To recognize and reward the regular attendees at the Bible Study Series, those who have attended the meeting for four times or above this year will be given a souvenir at the last meeting


The Youth Committee : Pray and Work

8-Mar-2024 - 13-Dec-2024

The Youth Committee : (Chinese only)

25-Apr-2024 - 28-Nov-2024


Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Welcome!

Whether you are looking for the meaning of life or trying to find a church near you, you have come to the right place.

The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui is rooted in the Anglican tradition and works to enrich the lives of others through the love of God. We endeavour to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s context and share his transforming power through a variety of programmes and services.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a trying time for all of us. Our hearts go out to all those who have been physically, socially, emotionally, or economically affected. We are here to serve you and will continue to pray for all the people in Hong Kong and around the world.

Keep well and keep safe! God bless you all!

The Rt Revd Dr Matthias Der
Bishop of Diocese of Hong Kong Island




Diocese of Eastern Kowloon

For the Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, the Diocesan Bishop the Rt. Revd Dr Timothy KWOK and all clergy so that they would be loyal servants of the Lord;

For all parishes and all mission churches in the Diocese, for spiritual lives and a willing mind to serve, may God’s will be done;

For all schools in the Diocese and all students and teachers, may God watch over each family, so everyone feels the love of Christ;

For all social services units in the Diocese and for all staff and clients, may people be set free and gain hope;

For all Hong Kong people, may God grant us the peace which surpasses all understanding, and bless all to live out truth, goodness, and beauty.