The 13th Diocesan Synod

      Six members elected by the Synod:
               The Revd Stephen HUNG (Chairman)
               The Revd Kenneth LO
               The Revd Edith SIN
               CHEUNG Ting Kin
               HUNG Lai Ting, Venus
               YUEN King Hang, Alan

      Members co-opted by the Committee:

Objects and Duties:
The objects of the Committee shall be to propose missionary strategies and policies of the Diocese to the Bishop and the Standing Committee; and to implement such strategies and policies.

The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:-

  • to keep assessing regularly the missionary work in the Diocese, in order to match with the missionary strategies and policies of the Province;
  • to suggest to the Standing Committee missionary strategies and work plans, including the suggestion of missionary work in new localities; and to implement the same after obtaining the approval or permission of the Standing Committee;
  • to promote or to amend relevant work plans, as assigned by the Bishop or the Standing Committee;
  • to assist parishes and missions to develop their missionary works;
  • to train people from within or outside the Diocese to participate in the evangelistic work of parishes, missions and the Diocese; and
  • to provide training to Diocesan evangelists.