Diocesan Committee on Mission
The works of this Committee focuses on helping congregation members both spiritually and conceptually to deepen their knowledge, experience and practice of mission, in order to restructure the priorities of their Christian life, to live out a testimonial living in Christ, and to be enriched from the Gospel. The Committee endeavours to minimize repetitive missionary works of the Provincial and Diocesan Committees, Parishes and Missionary Churches so to avoid wastage of resources or confusion for the participants. During the last two terms, the Committee compiled two books which were “Handbook of missionary works” and “Teachers’ handbook” . The contents of the “Handbook of missionary works” include the various evangelical methods adopted by different parishes within the Province as reference, and the “Teachers’ handbook” is our gift to all teachers at all HKSKH schools, so to send them an encouraging message of peace and joy. The Committee still believes in the impact and importance of the printed word.
Besides, the Committee contacts each parish and missionary Church through the Diocesan network and different mission events, shares with them the vision of mission, in the hope of raising their awareness and encouraging their active participation.
Diocese of Hong Kong Gospel Rally 2025
The Diocese of Hong Kong Island is holding a Gospel Rally at 3-5 p.m. on 17 May 2025 (Saturday) in S.K.H. Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School.
17-May-2025The Committee on Mission (Chinese only)
19-Oct-2024The Committee on Mission:3.1 Sharing Seminar on Parish Mission under the Pandemic (Chinese only)
This page is Chinese only.
6-Mar-2021教區宣教事工委員會:「宣教多面體」講座 (in Chinese only)
4-May-2019教區宣教事工委員會:「泰北清萊宣教體驗團」(Chinese only)
18-Apr-2019Committee on Mission: "Chiang Rai trip" of North Thailand
Chinese only
11-Jan-2019 - 14-Jan-2019