The 13th Diocesan Synod
Six members elected by the Synod:
The Revd Christine HO (Chairman)
The Revd Lorraine CHOI
The Revd Francis YU
CHEUNG Shuk Yee, Alice
LUK Sau Chun, Isabella
TSIK Chung Hong, Joseph
Members co-opted by the Committee:
Patrick FUNG
Objects and Duties:
The objects of the Committee shall be to propose to the Bishop and the Standing Committee strategies and policies pertaining to Christian nurture of the Diocese, and to implement such strategies and policies.
The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:
- to explore and promote Christian nurture in the Diocese, in line with that of the Province;
to explore different methods of nurture for different age groups; and to develop nurturing resources; - to coordinate Christian nurture programmes in parishes and missions of the Diocese; to strengthen their communications and mutual learning; to reinforce the contact with Anglican schools and welfare organizations in the vicinity; and
- to provide training to Church members to share in the work of Christian nurture in the Diocese.