Diocesan Committee on Information and Communication

In the age of information explosion and rapid changing technology, it has been a great challenge to connect various parishes/mission churches. Nonetheless, it is also the mission of this Committee to explore effective means to achieve the Great Commission here and now as instructed by Jesus Christ.

Since the establishment of the Committee, the Diocesan newsletter Network was published in print regularly to introduce the ministries of parishes/mission churches. With the development of social media platform, a Facebook page was established for more timely sharing of information, which includes devotional materials according to the daily Bible reading The Daily Bread. Reports of diocesan ministries and news from other units of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui were also available on the page.

Also, the Committee encourages exchanges among parishes/mission churches by organizing activities such as “Information and Communication Day”. With the promotion on the social media platform, activities including “Video Clips Design Competition”, “Serving in COVID-19” sharing series were well-received. Previous training sessions also touched upon the use of Internet and social media, namely “Website Training” and “Apps Sharing Seminar”.

As for the archiving of written works, the Committee’s summer internship programme has recruited youth members from parishes to digitalize previous issues of Network for easier browsing.

According to the Constitution and Canons (Canon 10 - 4.2), the duties of our Committee shall be as follows:

4.2.1 promote evangelism and Christian nurture through printed and other media;

4.2.2 edit and publish Diocesan publications assigned by the Standing Committee;

4.2.3 manage and renew the Diocesan websites; and

4.2.4 to collect, organize and archive written works.

Information & Communication Day
Information & Communication Day
Diocesan Newsletter "Network"
Diocesan Newsletter "Network"



Video Clips Design Workshop
Video Clips Design Workshop
Serving COVID-19 Sharing Services
Serving COVID-19 Sharing Services
Serving COVID-19 Sharing Services
Serving COVID-19 Sharing Services
Serving COVID-19 Sharing Services
Serving COVID-19 Sharing Services
Interview: Walking with Grace Program of the Diocese of Western Kowloon
Interview: Walking with Grace Program of the Diocese of Western Kowloon

