The 13th Diocesan Synod
Members elected by the Synod:
The Revd Amos POON (Chairman)
The Revd Kenneth LO
The Revd Adam MO
The Revd Francis YU
HO Choi Yee
SO Shun Yan, Simon
SO Yuk Ying
YIU Tsz Kin
The Diocesan Youth Officer:
The Revd Jason LEUNG
Members co-opted by the Committee:
WONG Wai Ching
CHEUNG Oscar Santos
Objects and Duties:
The objects of the Committee shall be to propose to the Bishop and the Standing Committee strategies and policies of the Diocese on youth missionary work and pastoral care; and to implement such strategies and policies.
The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:
- to communicate and to reinforce the relationship among parishes and missions, to coordinate resources so as to enhance the effectiveness of mission on youth and pastoral care;
- to train the young laity, so that they can shoulder the mission of pastoral care and evangelism; and
- to identify suitable young people for ministry.