The 13th Diocesan Synod
Six members elected by the Synod:
The Revd Canon Dr LAM Chun Wai (Chairman)
The Very Revd CHAN Kwok Keung
The Revd Augusta LEUNG
CHOO Kong Jam, James
HSIAO KWONG Wing Yin, Dorothy
TSANG Kwong Chiu, Charles
Members co-opted by the Committee:
The Revd Adam MO
Joey FAN
Objects and Duties:
The objects of the Committee shall be to propose to the Bishop and the Standing Committee strategies and policies of the Diocese on Church's liturgy and sacred music, and to implement such strategies and policies.
The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:-
- to strengthen the understanding of liturgy in the worship life of Church members;
to collect and collate material and to make recommendations to the Provincial Standing Commission on Liturgical Matters for the revisions of the Book of Common Prayer and the hymn books; - to prepare and organize, as directed by the Bishop or the Standing Committee order of service for special occasions;
- to advise on liturgical usage and the employment of sacred music in the liturgy within the Diocese;
- to improve the quality of sacred music in the Diocese, and to promote Anglican sacred music;
- to encourage and train Church members for liturgical ministries; and
- to establish and manage the database of liturgical resources and sacred music.