The 13th Diocesan Synod

      The Diocesan Chancellor:
               CHENG Mo Chi, Moses (Chairman)

      The Executive Secretary of the Synod and the Diocesan General Secretary:
               The Revd Kenneth LAU

      Members elected by the Synod:
               The Very Revd CHAN Kwok Keung 
               The Revd TSUI Yuk Fan
               CHANG See Mun, Lily
               PONG Yuen Sun, Louis
               SO Shun Yan, Simon

Objects and Duties:

  1. to conduct comprehensive reviews of the Constitution and Canons on regular basis with a view to up-date provisions thereof to cater for and give effect to the continual development of the Diocese;
  2. to review provisions of the Constitution and Canons with respect to their internal consistency and clarity;
  3. to present proposals of amendments on the basis of such review to the Constitution and Canons for the consideration of the Standing Committee, and if thought fit by the Standing Committee, for introduction to the Synod;
  4. to review all proposed amendments to the Constitution and Canons as may be submitted to the Synod and to place such proposed amendments in proper constitutional or canonical form; and
  5. to provide that no member of the Committee shall, by reason of membership, be deemed to be disabled from expressing on the floor of the meeting of the Synod, of which he is a member, his personal views with respect to the substance of any such proposed amendments.