Diocesan Committee on Christian Nurture
As the society of Hong Kong and the world at large have undergone significant changes, all the faithful, by no means do we get ourselves away from such a situation. How can we be down to earth followers who can hold fast to Christ’s values in fulfilling our ministry? Through organizing different events, the Committee on Christian Nurture of this Diocese hopes to work in complementary with parish churches/ missionary churches in helping church members build up a closer relationship with the LORD and living out a ‘down to earth’ Christian life.
教區信徒培育委員會:主題讀經日營--「出死入生」 (Chinese only)
18-Apr-2019信徒培育委員會:主題讀經日營-「出死入生」(預備死亡 思考生命)(Chinese only)
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9-Mar-2019教區信徒培育委員會:「一生陪伴你」--關懷培訓系列(Chinese only)
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12-May-2017教區信徒培育委員會:「一生陪伴你」--關懷培訓系列(Chinese only)
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12-Apr-2017教區信徒培育委員會:「一生陪伴你」關懷培訓系列(Chinese only)
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17-Feb-2017教區信徒培育委員會:「一生陪伴你」--關懷培訓系列(Chinese only)
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