5 February 2025

HKSKH Diocese of Hong Kong Island Gospel Rally 2025|Introduction and Cycle of Prayer

Diocese of Hong Kong Island

HKSKH Diocese of Hong Kong Island Gospel Rally 2025

Theme: Go where?

Key verse: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)

Content: Singing, sandpainting testimonies, preaching

Speaker: The Most Revd Datuk Ng Moon Hing (The 4th Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)


Date: 17th May 2025 (Saturday)

Time: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Admission begins 30 mins before the start of the event)

Venue: SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School (9 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong)

Audience: SKH parishioners are welcome to bring non-Christian relatives and friends to find out where to go.

Language: Cantonese (*Simultaneous interpretation available in English and Putonghua respectively)

Fee: Free of charge

Tickets are required for admission. Details to be announced later.

Enquiries: Ms Chiu, Diocesan Office (Tel: 2526 5366 or email: gen.dhk@hkskh.org )


Cycle of Prayer🙏🏻 for HKSKH Diocese of Hong Kong Island Gospel Rally 2025

🙏🏻Sunday: Pray for the Most Revd Datuk Ng Moon Hing, the speaker of the Gospel Rally.

🙏🏻Monday: Pray for relatives and friends struggling in life, suffering from physical, mental and spiritual distress.

🙏🏻Tuesday: Pray for the willingness of parishioners in the diocese to share their testimonies with non-Christian relatives and friends.

🙏🏻Wednesday: Pray for the zeal of parishioners in leading people to the Gospel Rally.

🙏🏻Thursday: Pray for the current or planned missionary work of each church in the diocese, and for the cooperation between each church and school(s) or social service unit(s).

🙏🏻Friday: Pray for the clergy and those who will lead the Gospel Rally; pray for the brothers and sisters in Christ who will participate in various creative items.

🙏🏻Saturday: Pray for the organizing committee members, working group members and helpers in the Gospel Rally.



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