5 October 2024

The Committee on Christian Nurture: Revival Meeting

The Committee on Christian Nurture

Revival Meeting

Topic:        Mediating formation through change and tension--An inspiration from Ignatian Spirituality
Content:    How should we react to the different changes in the social environment? What spiritual disciplines are there to help us live in the direction and light of Christ, so that we can experience His peace, joy and hope?
Speaker:    Fr. Stephen Tong, SJ. (Director of Xavier Retreat House, currently the Father Provincial of the Chinese Province of Society of Jesus)

Date:   October 5, 2024 (Saturday)

Time:  10:00am - 12:30pm

Venue: HKSKH St. James' Church (112 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai, HK)

Target: Anglicans

Fee:     Free of charge

Online enrolment: https://reurl.cc/Ej9ez0

Deadline for enrolment: September 23, 2024

Enquiries: Ms Chiu, Diocesan Office (Tel.: 25265366)



* The event will be interpreted in English simultaneously.

* Children activities will be arranged for kids aged 6 to 11 but will be conducted in Cantonese.




