全能的父、 賜生命及健康的主, 求主發慈悲,眷顧一切患病及受苦者, 尤其是我們現在所代禱的人, 求主施恩與他們, 並祝福照顧他們的人, 若此為主的恩慈旨意,則令他們恢復身心的康健, 在主聖教會中感謝; 此賴我主耶穌基督而求。 阿們。 ALMIGHTY and immortal God, the giver of life and health: We beseech thee to hear our prayers for thy servant N., for whom we implore thy mercy, that by thy blessing upon him and upon those who minister to him of thy healing gifts, he may be restored, according to thy gracious will, to health of body and mind, and give thanks to thee in thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |