全能的上帝啊, 主曾賜主民休息之日, 藉聖靈在主教會中, 將每週首日定為聖日, 以永久記念聖子的復活; 求主使我們能善用主的恩賜, 以致身體靈魂皆得康強暢快, 一生盡忠事主; 此賴我主耶穌基督而求。 阿們。 Almighty God, who hast given a day of rest to Thy people. and, through Thy Spirit in the Church, hast consecrated the first day of the week to be a perpetual memorial of Thy Son's resurrection: Teach us to reverence this Thy holy day, and give us grace so to use it that, refreshed and renewed in soul and body, we may serve Thee faithfully all our days; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |