主耶穌基督常以慈悲的手懷抱孩童, 使他們為教會活潑肢體。 求主賜恩, 令他們堅信主的大道, 聽從主的聖言, 寢饋主的仁愛, 並使他們靠主的聖靈,得以剛強, 能抵抗試探,勝過凶惡, 今生享受快樂, 來生與主同居; 此賴慈悲救主的功勞而求, 主與聖父、聖靈, 一同永生,一同掌權,永為一上帝,世世無盡。 阿們。 For Children O Lord Jesus Christ, who dost embrace children with the arms of thy mercy, and dost make them living members of thy church; Give them grace, we pray thee, to stand fast in thy faith, to obey thy word, and to abide in thy love; that being made strong by thy Holy Spirit they may resist temptation and overcome evil; and may rejoice in the life that now is, and dwell with the life that is to come; through thy merits, O merciful Saviour, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest one God, world without end. Amen. |